
Family, Gratuitously offensive

increase the peace

Last weekend, Maddie’s preschool had some kind of singing celebration thing that involved their borrowing a church in midtown in the middle of the afternoon and singing songs of peace to honor MLK. The instructions sent home to parents said something like this: Children are encouraged to dress in a […]


telling it like it is

This afternoon, I had to go straight from picking up Maddie at preschool to a meeting with a prospective new realtor.  Pretty Bride showed up separately, and we sat around a large glass conference table on Herman Miller Aeron chairs while waiting for the realtor and his associate to enter. […]


sunday morning breaking down

From left to right:  the blond sprouts of Owen’s hair against his black car seat, Emilie’s staring into the bottom of a bag of gas station pretzels, Maddie’s disgust over her confinement to a car seat with no car, and Lola’s attempt to shield her pasty legs from the sun […]


a farewell to balls

I could write about the utter terror someone who passes out when given shots or blood tests faces when going for surgery on his nethers, but it’s easier to just provide my impressions from that timeframe as they were happening. Accordingly, here are my tweets, in reverse chronological order: Fireworks […]

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