As I’ve written about before, we’re too cheap to buy a booster seat for Toddler, so she sits on phonebooks in a grownup chair when we gather around the table to break bread every evening. Today, I noticed she’d shed her drawers for some reason and was sitting bare ass. No big surprise there. However, when she got up, I noticed that she was sitting on a NEW phone book, and that prominently displayed was an attorney against whom I have a case right now! I was elated. “Hey, look! Baby was giving a cherubic buttface to that lawyer I’m probably going to trial against next month. How cool is that?”
I took a picture so the moment would last a little longer. Don’t think I won’t pull this puppy out and hold it up for all to see during his opening statement. You’re damned right I will. Right after I apply my warpaint.
I also derive satisfaction from looking at this funny blog. So should you.

That guy is an ass-face anyway.
well said, damon!
Fortunately, that glossy paper doesn’t allow for much seepage.
I have a poll up at my blog – feel free to come by and vote.
There’s free pickles!
You should frame it and give it to him – after you kick his ass in court.
tushie tortures torte-er
hah, funny stuff. If Perry Mason had a kid that did that he would’ve been an unstoppable killing machine.
bottom bothers barrister
cheeks chafe combatant
moon muddles men
I can’t compete with avat, but here’s my try:
ass assails attorney
For the LOVE OF GOD, please stop exposing the poor baby’s bare bottom on the internet. It’s bad karma. I thought you wanted to keep your daughter off the pole?