Hello, all. Pretty Bride here. Muskrat is trapped in traffic on the way back from a business trip, but wanted to link to the interview he did with Angry Seafood that posted this morning. Enjoy the gratuitous filth, and have a nice weekend, folks.
Hello, all. Pretty Bride here. Muskrat is trapped in traffic on the way back from a business trip, but wanted to link to the interview he did with Angry Seafood that posted this morning. Enjoy the gratuitous filth, and have a nice weekend, folks.
I decided last night that I’d challenge the laws governing the space-time continuum and actually talk, in person, to some other bloggers from Atlanta. I know, you’re thinking the results could very well mirror Jennifer McFly’s meeting her 30-years-ago self, which resulted in syncope, but could very well have […]
I just totally got called out by a hot Mommy Blogger who asked if I have a mancave and whether, inside said mancave, there lies any relic from my single days that my wife dislikes. Only a pussyboy who sits to pee during the middle of the night in response […]
This is a hard question for me to answer, as I wrestled in highschool like Andrew, got in trouble with the law a few times like Bender, participated in academic clubs like Brian, looked surprisingly pretty in makeup like Allison, and “never did it!” like Claire. Given a mandate to […]