

seven whores a-whoring

I got tagged by Paper Cages to list seven random things.  Seven random facts.  But unless you’ve been wearing sunglasses and doing heroin the last few days, you know I don’t follow rules associated with memes I receive.  I’ll instead list seven random whores and their aggressive approaches. 1)  Random […]


silently standing behind the podium for 60 seconds whilst the masses wait transfixed (you know, like hitler!)

My friends.  I’m here today, not as a wrinkly Senator, but as your humble servant, graciously accepting another award, passed along by an anarchist with the word “Punk” in his title.  Nobility?  Hardly.  Rabble-rouser?  Certainly. Punk Rock Dad sent it.  Here’s the version of the award as it was passed […]


a kool, kickass, kreative award!

Few events give me more pride, more validity as a blogging person, as does learning I’ve been given an award.  Except when it’s from the Ku Klux Klan.  Apparently, whoever kreated this award thought he’d pass along his hatred for all non-WASPs along with his prizes.  Why else would he […]


an incredible journey

No, I’m not going to write about a dog named Bodger. After receiving a review from Ask And You Shall Receive, I’ve decided to move to a cleaner template, since part of the feedback I received was that the header was stretched and fuzzy. This means that it can no […]

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