Author: muskrat


bucolic bopping

Today, I drove 1.5 hours into the middle of nowhere for a deposition with two other attorneys (normally, there are just two total, but this case has a coverage dispute between the insurance company and the employer, so instead of one attorney representing both entities, there were two).  After the […]

Childhood Journals

from the vault: 1988

I just had a birthday, which made me wonder what I was up to on birthdays from years past.  I went back into the closet and found the following: —————- Tuesday, June 7, 1988:  Today I turned 13.  I had to take exams on my birthday.  That is the 1st […]


another argument against hybridization

Here’s another post from my beloved neighborhood listserv.  Apparently, our neighborhood is being run by packs of stray, wild dogs, just like Ricky Bobby and Cal Naughton, Jr. were kind enough to warn us about in a PSA.  ————————— Neighbors, Early this morning my partner witnessed a pack of 6 […]

Gratuitously offensive, Movies

searching for multiple ballsacks

While writing a film review for my “other” writing gig, I found that spellcheck disagreed with my pluralizing “scrotum” with an “s.” I thought this a bit odd, but Pretty Bride, who took Latin at some point while striving for her 3.5 college degrees, told me it was “scrota.” I did […]

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