Tag: nascar

Blogging, Law

interviewed by avitable

A short time ago, I volunteered to allow the foul, but frequently brilliant, Avitable to interview me.  Here are the results: 1. Please explain the rule against perpetuities using sexual terminology. First of all, the RAP is, arguably, the most difficult concept one must grasp to pass the Multistate Bar […]


seven whores a-whoring

I got tagged by Paper Cages to list seven random things.  Seven random facts.  But unless you’ve been wearing sunglasses and doing heroin the last few days, you know I don’t follow rules associated with memes I receive.  I’ll instead list seven random whores and their aggressive approaches. 1)  Random […]


from anchorage, alaska to bristol, tennessee

On its 4th attempt, the United States Air Force was successfully able to get about 20 “on orders” Airmen and two hitchhikers home via a KC-135 that landed in Nashville.  Instead of going home, however, I drove 4hrs east to Bristol, TN for a NASCAR race, where I met my […]

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