Neighborhood Rants

a rare conglomerate

I’m excited to report the following simultaneous events going on downtown this weekend:

1) Black Gay Pride weekend:  a time for men and women of color who enjoy the companionship of their own gender and race to gather, celebrate, and, I hope, carouse.

2) Dragon*Con:  a gathering for science fiction nerds allowing them to dress up like their favorite characters and parade around town.  There will be much comparing of 8-sided dice.

3) Alabama v. Clemson football game:  Does this need an explanation?  A rural school in Alabama is playing a rural school in South Carolina.

The interstate that bisects midtown and downtown Atlanta is under construction, so all media outlets are encouraging taking MARTA to get into town for these events, which means that these folks will be thrown together on railcars all day Saturday, breathing one another’s air and sharing plastic seats.

Eager to watch this spectacle, I took Toddler to the Dragon*Con parade at 10am.

Here’s a confused Alabama fan watching the sci-fi nerds:

And a Clemson fan watching the stormtroopers:

Toddler Muskrat was not impressed:

I decided the action was in the Georgia Dome, so I went on Craigslist and responded to this offer:

I have 2 tickets to the Clemson v. Alabama game on the Clemson side. They are upper level tickets Row 8! Please let me know as soon as possible if interested. Two tickets are $375.
e-mail me at
I am from Atlanta so am willing to meet with the tickets.

I made an offer and received this assurance: I still have 2 tickets if you need them… so call at 770 329 8333. It is first come first serve!

I made definitive plans to meet Meggie just outside the Dome, stood around for 2hrs in the heat with my 7-month pregnant wife, pursuant to our plans.  About an hour before kickoff, I got this text from phone number 404-394-3629:  Im so sorry I can’t find u and im in the game…

I had to call her father to find out she’d sold the tickets to someone else and decided not to answer my calls.  I wrote her a text back:  I hope one day if you’re 7mos pregnant, someone makes you stand around in the heat for 2hrs for nothing.

And I meant it.  So, the first of a new series of “eat a dick” posts on this blog goes to Meggie from Alpharetta, GA.  Eat a dick, you inconsiderate bitch.

When I started this blog, I told myself I wouldn’t use it to rant.  Now look what you made me do.
To read posts from less vindictive writers, check out this funny blog!  Rate Muskrat favorably if you too dislike being stood up by inconsiderate college students who use bad grammar in text messages.

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  1. Well that stinks. Award well deserved.

    All those stormtroopers! Must’ve surprised a few people who didn’t know the sci-fi event thingy was on.

  2. wellthenhowaboutthisone

    I do love the idea of an “eat a dick” post. This Meggie person totally deserved it.

    JD at I Do Things

  3. Really is there a difference between a sci-fi fan dressing up as Darth Vader and a Bama fan painting his/her hairy chest?

    Wear a mask, wear a jersey…either way you are a dumbass.

  4. Even though you hate the Pac-10, you didn’t deserve to be treated like that! My just a tiny bit. : )

  5. summer clearance

    A prudent man shall not have faith in women whose email addresses are anything remeotely like sugarpie. I am pretty sure it says so in the Bible.

  6. CW: Indeed. Many a jaw was open Saturday morning, meaning many a plug of tobacco fell onto the pavement below.
    JD: Sadly, yes. Glad you approve.
    FW: I’m not a chest painter and never will be. But allegiance to one’s alma mater should certainly be held in higher regard than should allegiance to a bearded man on a California ranch named for one of his characters.
    Kirsten: I don’t hate the P-10 that much. I just think they’re no good.
    SC: I believe you’re right. It’s in the Book of Muskrat, a corollary found in hotel rooms throughout metro Atlanta.

  7. i got nothing. sorry

    actually, i am having trouble sorting out all the data to come up with a great collection of words. i will think on it and try later.

  8. avatgardener

    that was me – – away from home using pal’s computer, failed to put my name – – anonymous, sorry,

  9. AG, it’s all good. No hard feelings.

  10. Oh…that stinks. The Tide was rolling too…

    And by the way–8-sided dice are for sissies playing boggle. A true nerd-die starts at 18 sides.

  11. What, nobody’s writing “Waste of time with Meggie, she doesn’t need to be told/ is carpets only?”

    I think it would be funny to switch venues, so all the fans at the Georgia dome had nothing to see but the Black Gay Pride Parade, and the football players were expected to cavort with each other in the street.

    Or put the nerds together with the BGPP folks on the field, and see who can run faster.

  12. avatgardener

    gridlock grates gays, geeks, gamers. (du du du du du du du ) Go Gators!!

    Forgoing freeway; fans, fairies, freaks forge festival, finally.

    (I’m back)

  13. okay so the mixture of events on this one is too freaking funny. I live in Austin, and every year while ROT Rally is going on, on one side of the street. The Gay Pride festival is going down on the other. I realized that last sentence just sounded wrong.

  14. Pingback: is it just me, or is this guy an asshole? | Father Muskrat

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