Some Christmas presents are so great that they need to be re-gifted. I may have given this gift a couple of years ago, but I want you, dear Internet, to get it again.
And here it is —
The coveted dick in a box. You’re welcome.

Some Christmas presents are so great that they need to be re-gifted. I may have given this gift a couple of years ago, but I want you, dear Internet, to get it again.
And here it is —
The coveted dick in a box. You’re welcome.
Uh… yeah… what do you think I could get for that on eBay?
@dave2, I’d set the reserve price at $10,000 but expect more.
my Christmas is complete
@flutter, Mine, too!
The small gift in a big box! Classic!
I am liking this comment.
Ditto, Britt.
@LeSombre, You just ruined Christmas. Thanks.
I…I…words pretty much fail me, although the only words I immediately thought were “Muskrat penis!”.
@countessa, In a box!
Exactly what I wanted! It’s a Christmas miracle!
@sybil, Isn’t it?
So are the snowmen on the package smoking because you already serviced them?
@SciFi Dad, *pleads 5th*
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You know that song “Christmas Shoes,” about the kid who wants to buy his cancer-ridden mom a pair of shoes, but doesn’t have any money until the narrator helps him out?
Originally that song was called “Christmas Dick in a Box.” Same general premise. Different ending.
@didactic pirate, That was beautiful.
Pu-lease tell me that’s not what you gave your wife for christmas!!!
@jade, It’s all she asked for this year!