You are too funny. I shouldn’t even be up to see this, but (un?) fortunately I am. I thought I was bad, putting a photo of Ozzy up yesterday, but you take the cake, my friend. Good job. Hope Pretty Bride enjoys.
Ahhh rat, I see you are almost at the bottom of your seventh glass of wine. And the sunglasses, give it a bit of a ‘law enforcement’ kind of touch. Now, my dying wonder…what was the song being played during all that dancing with wine and that vicariously placed gift?
“You put your junk in the box…” Ahhh, my favorite gift to give as well. It’s priceless in value, surprising by nature, and comes with a lifetime extended warranty. My second favorite gift is “ass in a sling”. Happy Festivus to all.
Dude, you are way too focused on your weiner -a bunch of pee entries and now this. Freaky freak! {said in best Foamy voice}
You are too funny. I shouldn’t even be up to see this, but (un?) fortunately I am.
I thought I was bad, putting a photo of Ozzy up yesterday, but you take the cake, my friend. Good job. Hope Pretty Bride enjoys.
Unfinished Rambler’s last blog post..Ozzy rules! And yet another meaningless poll: Favorite Christmas comedy songs
Those photos were the highpoint of my Xmas.
Of course, some packages are not packed by volume and some settling of the contents may have occurred.
Shieldmaiden96’s last blog post..Exhibiting my meme-ory
Nice to see that some guys still dress UP for Christmas (or stay in their work clothes as the case may be in Lawyerville)!
Ah, dick in a box. The gift that keeps on giving.
Candice’s last blog post..The suspense must be killing you..
Ahhh rat, I see you are almost at the bottom of your seventh glass of wine. And the sunglasses, give it a bit of a ‘law enforcement’ kind of touch. Now, my dying wonder…what was the song being played during all that dancing with wine and that vicariously placed gift?
“You put your junk in the box…” Ahhh, my favorite gift to give as well. It’s priceless in value, surprising by nature, and comes with a lifetime extended warranty. My second favorite gift is “ass in a sling”. Happy Festivus to all.
The sun glasses make it all the better.
Merry Christmas Father Muskrat!
Brenda-SeriouslyMama’s last blog post..Over the hills and through the woods…
Pretty impressive package my friend. But wait – how come you’re all alone?
Jeff’s last blog post..You can’t make this stuff up
Countessa, I didn’t think such a state as “too focused on your wiener” existed.
UR, I’m not sure if she enjoyed it…she did LOL while taking the picture, though.
FreeMan, Glad I could lift your spirits on your not-so-favorite holiday.
ShieldMaiden, No settling here.
Bill, That’s how I roll.
Candice, It does keep giving. And giving.
Harlin, Obviously, it was Justin Timberlake’s “Dick in a Box”
Brother, Thanks! You too. Glad I kept my ass out the sling.
Brenda, You too! I like to be a giver.
Jeff, Someone had to take the picture.
As much as I loved my gifts this year, nothing tops the Dick in a Box.
J and I laugh our asses off every time we see that clip.. It’s right up there with Punched!, I’m surprised I haven’t ‘literally’ received that gift.
ChurchPunkMom’s last blog post..Why do you call it CHRISTmas??
Watch the paper cuts. I noticed “Tongue in a mousetrap” was much less popular.
NukeDad’s last blog post..A Photographic (After) Christmas Story
Liked the post keep them coming
It’s a Christmas miracle!
.-= Miss Grace´s last blog ..brown paper packages tied up with string =-.
FYI, I’m looking forward to Christmas in July. Just sayin’.
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