I seem to have taken a month off from posting (or reading) blogs. From what I read online, such is the trend, as blogging slowly fades away in favor of bursts of information delivered on the Facebook. Speaking of the Facebook (via its purchased Instagram), here are a couple videos prepared by Flipagram and Statigram summarizing 2013, better than several paragraphs of typeface could do.
For the first time in my adult life, we sent out Christmas cards. Instead of sending a picture of our family with a dude dressed like Santa like normal families do (or a happy vacation photo), we had Heather Ross draw a picture of our family, like Jim at Sweet Juniper did:
As usual, there were several holiday parties this December, but fewer than there normally are, given the shortened time period between Thanksgiving and Christmas this year (thanks, November, for starting on a Friday, you asshole). Also as usual, my favorite of the 10 or so parties I actually attended was the one I co-hosted in a barn down the street from my office. My bride made a velvet dress, we booked my friends Electric Avenue to play ’80s covers, and we had more liquor than you can shake a stick at.
And after a few hours, as usual, shit got weird in the photo booth.
These are the people with whom I fight the proverbial “good fight” every day, and they are awesome.
Luckily, we had elf-clad bartenders to keep the peace.
And did you notice that handsome tie I’m wearing? A sales associate at the Atlanta Billy Reid drove it to my office and handed it to me after I realized the one I’d bought online wasn’t going to arrive in time for my party. Best customer service I’ve seen as a customer who’s being served.
Truth be told, I’m sad to see 2013 go. As has happened every year since starting my own firm in 2009, I began the year thinking there’d be no way the upcoming year could be as successful as the year that had just passed (or as fun), but this one has once again proven to be the best yet (meaning I’m quite certain there’s no way 2014 will surpass it)! At some point, I’ll upload several of the 100+ pictures I took during what will be deemed the Great Muskrat Home Improvement Project of 2013, which took about 6 months to complete, but it may not be until next year. Why? Because I’m going to New Orleans in a few days for the Sugar Bowl. And tomorrow is Chris’s (my “work wife”) birthday, followed by New Year’s Eve.
Happy New Year’s, people.

Another year for the history books, Muskrat. You make every year awesome.
Sounds like a pretty damn good finish to a good year.
Indeed! Thanks for stopping by.