I was actually rather surprised at the internet’s response to this question, given that it’s 2013, and the Age of Commenting on Blog Posts concluded 4+ years ago. However, we (my bride and I) took your comments seriously, which were in stark contrast to the ones I got from all my litigator friends over drinks at Mardi Gras when I brought it up. So, here’s what we did:
We told the eldest that if she were to present her case as to why she should be allowed to go to NYC for her spring break despite falling short of the standard by 1 point in 1 class, we’d consider letting her go. The above is most of her presentation (there were some pictures of tall buildings, some Broadway Playbills, and Tom Hanks playing the piano with his feet in “Big” that didn’t transfer for some reason). Feel free to click through the slides and stuff.
After she presented it, I wanted to let her fret for a day or two while we deliberated–as a life lesson of sorts–but my bride insisted we go ahead and tell her our verdict within a few minutes of her presenting her argument, given that we’d already decided to let her go if the presentation didn’t completely suck. So we did. I bought 4 tickets on Delta a few days later (she gets to bring a friend) and found a 2 bedroom condo on vrbo.com in midtown.
Apparently, my bride and I are taking 2 teenagers to New York City the first week of April. This should be…different.

Girls got a point. Even if it’s less than one point.
I’m liking what you did there.
You made the right decision, and it sounds like you’ve got a pretty awesome kid!
Thanks! I figured she’d make it amusing, and she came through.
I think you made the right choice. You taught your daughter that working hard is it’s own reward. I think her average was high enough to justify the trip. The grade doesn’t matter as much as how hard she worked. And she did work hard, based upon those grades. Grades can be arbitrary and subjective, depending upon the teacher. I would be more interested in what she has learned and retained.
have fun in NYC!
Thanks for the comment and well-wishes!
When your kid has a sense of humor, you know you’re doing a good job as a parent.
Let’s hope.
I think it’s awesome y’all are taking her. Good on both of you. : )
4+ years ago? Dammit, I knew something was up. Nobody told me. I would have let her go too, and I’m not even a parent.
I don’t think I get the readership you do, so maybe yours have not dropped off as dramatically!
Thanks for the vote of confidence!
Oh they definitely have. I just assumed it was because I only post something once a month. I haven’t had anyone ask me to advertise sex toys on my blog in probably a year and a half. That’s how I knew I was circling the drain.
If that isn’t an appropriate bright line test, I don’t know what is.
She’s missing one slide.
Oh, and by “she gets to bring a friend” you actually mean “that blogger chick she met once at her little sister’s birthday party for maybe five seconds” right? RIGHT?!? 😉
Yes, sure! She asked for you by name– “the ghost hunting, scuba diving, blogger chick from West Virginia.”
Yay! Brooooaaadwaaaay!
Awesome kid. Parents, too.
Thanks- agreed.
You should take her simply because she is smart enough to want to go to NYC and not Panama City.
Ha! Perhaps the most poignant comment of them all.
The presentation was great. I’d give her the extra point for that alone. Sound like it’s going to be a great time. I’m excited to hear the report once you’re back. I’m still on the outside looking in. My 7YO is the oldest and we’re still dealing with bedtimes and such. Can’t wait for the more difficult stuff,….oh wait, yeah I can.
The Cheeky Daddy
Yes, wait forever!
Great presentation. I’d say she earned her trip. Have fun in NYC. I hear the Broadway shows are entertaining.
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