Thanks to Kathy at The Junk Drawer for telling me about this and to Heather from Confessions of a Coal Miner’s Granddaughter for recording it!
More to follow when I have time….

Thanks to Kathy at The Junk Drawer for telling me about this and to Heather from Confessions of a Coal Miner’s Granddaughter for recording it!
More to follow when I have time….
I was there for the live version. The video doesn’t do it justice.
I wish I could have been there live . . .
.-= SurprisedMom´s last blog ..Pull Over! Pull Over! =-.
I can’t believe I missed that!!
You rocked the mic.
It doesn’t do justice. You know how the sound is always off with recordings? You sounded better than that. Was Off Da Cuff. Promise.
.-= Tina@SendChocolate´s last blog ..The one where they try to buy our souls (and it kinda works!) =-.
Dude. Avitable just took the words right out of my mouth!
.-= churchpunkmom´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.
Nancy, Glad to hear that! It was the early in the weekend, so I didn’t know most of the folks in the audience yet (including you).
Surprised Mom, Me too! But if you’re around Atlanta, I’ve been known to go to Mary’s in East Atlanta on Saturday nights for more “white boy rap.”
Avitable, I died inside when I realized you weren’t in the room. Especially after Britt told you to “watch after” me.
Whit, Thanks! And now I gotta pass the mic to you.
Tina, I was hoping for “off the chain,” but your compliment is appreciated.
CPM, If only y’all’s rental car issue had worked out sooner!
Ah, now I get why you went to BlogHer. All I see in the background is drunk women. Clever, my friend. Very clever.
.-= A Free Man´s last blog ..Strike one and strike two… I guess we’re both out. =-.
FUCK. I missed that.
.-= Maria´s last blog ..What I Learned at BlogHer ‘09 =-.
.-= flutter´s last blog ..Tick tock, tick tock, KABOOM! =-.
Further proof that you are all kinds of awesome.
.-= Miss Britt´s last blog ..Miss Britt Goes To BlogHer And Makes An Ass Of Herself: Part One. =-.
FreeMan, It’s amazing that they let me past security. Luckily, I tucked.
Maria, I appreciate your frustration here. There’s always next year.
Flutter, Glad you were so appreciative that you could only type a portion of a word!
Britt, If you say so…thanks!
It is as I remember it. Hazy and bouncy and hilarious.
.-= Carolyn Online´s last blog ..Because I can’t fully get my head around the Blogher conference I’m posting this video of my dog. =-.
So very glad I recorded that. If my memory card hadn’t crapped out? You would have had a full minute. 😛
.-= Coal Miner’s Granddaughter´s last blog ..About =-.
HOW DID I MISS THIS?? Dammit, Jim.
I am totally smitten now.
.-= Undomestic Diva´s last blog ..I left my fagina at the Married with Children fountain in Chicago. But it was worth it. =-.
I would have stumbled from the middle of Iowa on my crutches just to see this. Awesome-ness in it’s most excellent form.
.-= Brenda-SeriouslyMama´s last blog ..It’s like the Iran Hostage Crisis but… =-.
@Carolyn- Glad you were there to remember it!
@Undomestic Diva, Sorry for you, and thanks for the smite.
@Brenda, I wish to goodness you had! Felt bad for your gimpy ass last weekend.
@emacgrass, Absolutely!
@JenTrev, Thanks! You live near NYC, so see you next August!
awesomeness. i think we need to organize a night out at mary’s!
LOVE IT! Love to see The Muskrat perform! Hugs!
Where the heck was I during this Karoake Fest? I looooooooove me some karaoke!
.-= Secret Agent Mama´s last blog ..Meet María =-.
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