
wordless wednesday (brought to you by church punk mom)

Check this shit out.  Church Punk Mom said she’d send some cookies on Twitter. I figured she said that shit to everybody. I asked Pretty Bride a couple times if I’d received any mail from Iowa. The answer was always “no.” Then, a few days later, I got mail from Iowa. It was these:

cookiestop view of cookies

Isn’t blogging the best?

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  1. avatgardener

    blog buddy brags. bodger brazenly begs. brave babe bakes.

  2. oooh… melty. 🙂
    I hope you enjoyed them once they finally got there!
    .-= churchpunkmom´s last blog ..10 years ago today… =-.

  3. They were awesome! A little smeared…but still!

  4. Yummy! Yes, bloggers are great!
    Now did you share with the whole class or eat them all yourself?
    .-= SurprisedMom´s last blog ..Bang Bang Bad =-.

  5. You think you’re all that and a bag of chocolate chips, don’t you? 🙂
    .-= Coal Miner’s Granddaughter´s last blog ..The Brave One =-.

  6. re: Wordless Wednesday

    I think you’re doing it wrong.
    .-= Miss Britt´s last blog ..I’m doing the happy syndrome dance. But not with popcorn. =-.

  7. Nice. I love blogger presents. Why don’t you send me one.
    .-= A Free Man´s last blog ..And i just wanna stand outside and know that this is right =-.

  8. All I usually get from bloggers usually is crummy books. I’m jealous. 🙂

    Actually those do look good.
    .-= unfinishedrambler´s last blog ..Now playing at Ann’s Rants… =-.

  9. SurprisedMom, No, I didn’t share.

    CMG, Absolutely.

    Britt, So? It’s my blog and I’ll be wordful if I want to.

    FreeMan, I will. Didn’t you like that win over the Dawgs I gave you last year?

    UR, They were good. Too bad they’re gone now!
    .-= father muskrat´s last blog ..wordless wednesday (brought to you by church punk mom) =-.

  10. Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been a long time since my last visit to your blog.

    Congrats on the cookies. I once made a flippant remark to someone on Facebook about cookies and got a package myself in a week. Next time I’m asking for a new car.
    .-= Junk Drawer Kathy´s last blog ..Find Me at BlogHer! =-.

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