No, I’m not going to write about a dog named Bodger. After receiving a review from Ask And You Shall Receive, I’ve decided to move to a cleaner template, since part of the feedback I received was that the header was stretched and fuzzy.
This means that it can no longer be said that I am an obstinate Muskrat, incapable of constructive direction (eat a dick, Ms. Phlasterer, for your negative comments on my 2nd-grade report card).
Accordingly, I bring forth, on this continent, a new blog, conceived in profanity and dedicated to the proposition that all blogs are created unequal.
And here it is!
Thank you for coming over from the old to the new. I’d be much obliged if those of you who have been kind enough to include me on your blogrolls would update the URL with the new address. Ditto for feed readers.
I’ve enjoyed your readership, comments, and friendship. On this Thanksgiving Eve Eve 2008, my thanks goes to the blogosphere. And God. Not necessarily in that order.
And also to Real Life Designs, who constructed this soon-to-be hallowed header and sidebar that surround us.

Nice digs. Links to be updated shortly.
Sweet ride, muskrat.
look at you! gettin’ all spiffy and stuff for us. niiiiiiice!
I like the new digs. If you have your feed set up through Feedburner, make sure to give it a name. Right now it comes up as “title unknown”.
Avitable’s last blog post..Five questions from Avitable
Like the new blog
Your feed still points to your old URL btw.
Chris C’s last blog post..The Top Ten Funniest Shows Part Two
modern muskrat makes masterful move. man oh man, it’s ‘mazing.
I am so hot for you right now, with your awesome new page design. SO HOT.
Hahah the comments on your AAYSR review are too funny. And i’m liking the new design on your blog.
SSG’s last blog post..Wednesday Wallpaper
Thanks for the feedback, kind readers! I’m trying to get the feeds right (thanks for the heads up, Avitable and Chris). Happy Thanksgiving Eve, all!
Very nice. Can I still prop my feet on the coffee table?
Bennie’s last blog post..
Looking good, Muskrat. I’ll be updating everything here shortly.
Father Muskrat? Have you joined the priesthood? I didn’t know married folks could become priests?
unfinishedrambler’s last blog post..Flashback Friday #8: Frère Jacques, frère Jacques…
Father Muskrat.. I like it. Goes nicely with the monk garb on your mascot.
Nice place dude.. all spiffed up just in time for the holidays!
Happy Thanksgiving!
ChurchPunkMom’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday
Looks good, very sharp. Happy Thanksgiving! Are you headed to the Iron Bowl this weekend by any chance?
A Free Man’s last blog post..Obie, did you think I was going to hang myself for littering?
Outstanding. Looks nice. Roll Tide!
Great, dammit, now I have to change my bookmark…there blows your consistency meter, again! Are you sure you have a penis?
Harlin, Yes.
Brother, Thanks, and yes!
FreeMan, Thanks, and I wish!
ChurchPunk, Thanks!
UR, There are many reasons I can’t be a priest. You’ve only
pointed out the most obvious of them.
Bennie, Sure, but just this once.