My military conference concluded with a keynote speaker. Thirty seconds after he finished, I was in civilian clothes and at the Science Museum of Minnesota to see King Tut’s tomb.
And after killing 3 hours with science and sushi, I saw Night Ranger, Foreigner, and Journey. And though I watched from afar, sober and solo, it was an excellent experience (and I actually found Foreigner to be the best live performers of the 3). Given that my last sober concert was Bon Jovi in 1988, the decade the artists represented was fitting.
In 3 days, it’s off to San Diego for my 3rd BlogHer conference, where I may have to do another rendition of this (and if you listen carefully, you’ll get the pleasure of hearing what my bride likes to laugh at every time I play this video: my not-meant-to-be-heard background vocals):
That’s even better than this (recorded from a karaoke joint in New York at last year’s BlogHer):
Duet 48 from Your Mama on Vimeo.
This will be the first trip the two of us have taken without an infant (or 3) since January 2008. It’s about damned time.

Sounds like a pretty good trip to me! Have fun at Blogher!
Oh – I’m laughing with your wife!
@SL, I didn’t think it would be audible over the “real” performance. I was wrong.
I have a fascination with King Tutankhamen that started when my parents took me to the “Treasures” exhibit in Seattle back in 1978. At that time, the gold “burial mask” was still allowed to travel outside of Egypt, which was pretty amazing.
Since then I’ve been to three other Egyptian exhibits. The “Ramses II” exhibit at the Egypt pavilion at Expo 86 (Vancouver), the “Golden Age” exhibit at the Field Museum in 2006 (Chicago), and the “Kings” exhibit in The Egyptian Museum in 2007 (Cairo). I’ll probably see the “Golden Age” exhibit again when it comes to Seattle. But first St. Paul and Houston have to give it up. I think we get it in 2012.
Unfortunately, there will be no Foreigner and Journey after my exhibit… THAT I KNOW OF!
@D2, You’ll love it! We saw other Egyptian artifacts in London (I’ve heard their museum has more of Egypt in it than do all museums in Egypt combined), but seeing the “wonderful things” Carter found was super cool.