Blogging Travels

for 23 hours

I’ll get up tomorrow at 5am.

I’ll serve our country until noon.  I’ll drive 6 hours with this pervert I know from blogging.

I’ll spend the night in a haunted asylum where over 60,000 people died.

A couple other blogging friends will be there.

We’ll leave the asylum at 4am and crash.

I’ll change my soiled drawers and think, “I can’t believe I just did that.”

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  1. yeah, i don’t want to be all all picky but waverly hills was not an asylum, it was a sanatorium.

    not a nuthouse, but an old timey tb treatment facility.

    reading through the history is kind of sad and inspiring.

    i can’t imagine it will be scary. maybe though. i mean old hospitals are just laden with asbestos so there’s that.

    good luck!

    • @mrs hall, For most of its existence, it was the latter term, but it housed elderly peeps for a bit under a different name, and the top floors had mental patients on them, the speculation is. So, we might both be right, but you’re righter.

  2. Take TONS of pictures!!!

  3. Don’t you know you need to wear Depends?!
    Wish I could’ve gone. It would’ve been fun to hear you and Adam squeal like girls.

  4. Pretty Bride

    I made the right decision to stay home. Your children have been crying for you since you left. Or maybe they’ve been crying because they can see what’s coming for you…

  5. I don’t usually have to work/play any where near that hard to soil my undies.

  6. @Always Home, I like that you harbor no secrets on the internets.

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