I’ve noticed something. Whenever I get my monthly or semi-monthly or whatever it is email from Marriott showing my points totals and what deals they have to encourage more travel, I get a similar email from Hilton a couple hours later. I found this puzzling enough to discuss it with Pretty Bride.
Me: “So, do you think there’s someone on the Hilton payroll who monitors web traffic from Marriott and then thinks, ‘We can’t have that guy staying in a Marriott when he travels! No way! We’d better send some enticing Hilton deals, too!’?”
PB: “No.”
Me: “I think there is such a guy. His name placard says Jack Kramer, Pursuer of Adulterous Points Users. He’s a geek, but a bad ass nonetheless.”
PB: “There’s no way you’re right about this.”
Me: “Think what you want to; he’s there. There’s no other explanation for the email sequences. You hurt Jack when you deny him.”
PB: “Were you taking any prescribed medications before we were married that you may have stopped taking?”
You are right about this – I used to work for him.
It’s the Internet; I can say things like that.