To get the best possible start, you need to start building at the wall, doesn't matter if you build on the inner or the outer side, just important that the unit you are building can't get surrounded that easily. Level 9 is no problem with atleast 1000 value so you don't lose that much gold in the early stage overall. In the midgame stage, high income allows you to recover and pass the value of holders since they have less income to feed them off. Legion TD 2 Community. Download map Angel Arena Eclipse REBORN [Hero Arena] available in 4 different versions for free. Legion TD Reborn The goal is to survive waves of enemies using small armies of your own. As stated before, for every other legion there are plenty of guides that include which units you need to have for which wave, when you can push workers and where exactly to place your units. Semi-Hold is a special form of the Holder, it means that you will try to hold your lane for a special level like 7 or 8 but don't plan to hold a lot of creeps in mid. Mid Game describes level 11-20. Legion TD 2 is a 2v2 and 4v4 strategy game. Warrior, strong attacker, has the ability to stun. Back to the top. Most of them award Income in a 20/1 relation. A team tower defense where the objective is to stay alive longer than your enemy through 36+ waves. Every player in the game gets the exact same amount of king gold, but you might wonder how it's calculated. Download Legion TD Revo A19.w3x Report This Map: Category: Tower Defense (Cooperative) Tileset: Cityscape Dimensions: 128x128 Playable Area: 106x110 Recommended Players: 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 Size: 4.1 MB Submitted: 1 Apr 2017 10:48 Rating: 22 Good 0 Bad Downloads: 2609: Affiliates. Additionally I will also show you king control examples to get a better understanding. A few further details on the ring: This legendary is Unique-Equipped: Legion Legendary (2); as such, it respects the 2 legendary limit and cannot be equipped if you have two other legendaries equipped. Maybe you noticed already that there is no positioning part in this guide. 52.94%. Back to the top. Nightmares are one of the best early Yolo Units in my opinion. pagalba: Meta erorą instaliavimo metu. First of they can challenge top yolos if you got the Egg Sack or Polar Bear for extra utility. Whelp, pretty weak flying unit. Revenants are not known for being one of the best yolo units in the game. Essential when trying to damage the enemy King. Units that Are really bad at being yoloed but also don't convince with their holding qualities. If enemy sent Level 1 or 2 you can stay on 2 Grizzlys and your T1/T2 throughout Level 3 and 4, push all you can until the end of 3, you have to get a greymane for Level 5 in order to hold your lane, this should get you to 600+ value and around 5/1. Tournament Directors . First Staff Post. Legion TD 4.53 OZGame Edition by OZGame Team Legion-TD-Mega-4.53OZ3 -stable.w3x (4.14 MB) Tower Defense (Survivor) 10 Apr 2021 21:45: 0 Good 0 Bad: 24: 7 señores de la legión by [Jackmoral] 7 señores de la legion v.1.0.w3x (0.25 MB) Other: 10 Apr 2021 19:18: 0 Good 0 Bad: 11: Expedition RPG 1.16Q ver by Production: GM Apple Incense |c Back to the top. Back to the top. You can send for 1 Income Level 2 here, but that's optional, without sending you will only up 1 more Dwarven Engineer for 2, otherwise you add another T1. People push hard here, 7/9 - 7/15 is usual. [Editor’s Note: The following interview contains spoilers for the “Legion” series finale — Season 3, “Chapter 28” — including the ending.]. This allows you to push pretty decent but still collect a lot of Gold on key levels. For all other units applies that you build them shifted. AVERAGE GAME TIME: 20-40 Minutes MAP STYLE: PVE/PVP RECOMMENDED PLAYERS: 2-8 (should be divided by 2) Content: 36+ waves 6 Builders 24 Units to send We are not affiliated to the original Legion TD or Legion TD … Win Rate. Here you try to get as much income as possible to get a foundation for later stages, but don't miss out on all the value, income alone might not save you. Legion TD Mega 9.9 by HuanAk 3.2 --> 3.3 : Fix Fatal Error/Crash cause by Artic * This map is Hostbot Command Library support ! Level 3 needs around 420+ value unless you got a captain and don't expect send, same for Medicine Man, both hold Level 3 with Ygg. Don't try to hold them unless you got the right units for it. If you don't have anything to add then 4 Komodos for Level 5 and 6 is the best way. I like to save gold here to get a mutant for 8, but it depends on the amount of king gold on whether you got some feed earlier. Ranking; Last Matches; Builders; Bug Report; Assassinbuilder. Flam3s [author] Dec 23, 2020 @ … Level 10 should manifest 6 Wolverines or even 7 if you were holding some teammates leaks earlier. They will support creeps on the enemy spawn. Hello and welcome to Darkweaver.DE’s Legion TD X10 guide. Your arena value should be decent while having 7/5 and 7/6 and it is not uncommon to have the highest income in the game at this point. Back to the top. Your main task is to build vs key levels to survive or win the race. Good Units to hold those Levels are: Blaster and Archers for 14, Hydra/Druids/Revenants for 15 and Mutants, Greymane, Goliath and Neotank for 17, Hydra and Druid are also good on Level 20, as well as Hades. Like a lightning bolt hurled from a vengeful god, Almire and his traitors are racing for Terra, determined to end the war before the loyalists can move to reinforce their Emperor. Creeps that enter the middle area get a status effect which shows their percentage of bounty, it looks like this (. See the Netherlight Crucible section of the Legion Artifact Weapon guide for more details on the crucible. You need to decide now if you want the safe way for 5 with 3 Elite Archer or if you risk it and go 2 Small 2 Elite here, while pushing far more. Back to the top. Description Discussions 174 Comments 1591 Change Notes. Start a New Discussion Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Before the Sends arrive you can hit each Satyr once and Wave when you need to change the focus to the Sends. They have a special start cause they require a Level 2 Send if you want to play it the classic way. Infantry is the base for 2 important units, Pyro and Zeus. Furbolg, very useful melee attacker with Armor Aura, essential for Levels like 2,3,5,7,10,13 or 14. This project not affiliated with Games Workshop in anyway. Protect him at any cost. Ranking; Last Matches; Builders; Bug Report; Assassinbuilder. The X10 version of Legion TD Mega is very popular on and there is a new game every 1 or 2 minutes at peak times on the Clan DE bot. Flame TD (pron: F@#! To this day I am still the player that knows best about some of those units and I will come out ahead on almost all of my games because Legion TD is a reactive game and following a blunt build pattern will not help you in most of the cases. Right-click to ping. The top results based on the latest update are Element TD 2 [Score: 3.1], Battle Commanders [Score: 2.6] and Cellyon: Boss Confrontation [Score: 2.6].. Which Units you send is your decision as it distinguishes from Round to Round. 52.94%. For Level 2 you can build various ways, if you only place 1 Infantry, a Furbolg-Send can make you leak a lot of creeps. Level 8 has below 200 Hp again so you onehit them here again but keep in mind that you only hit 15 creeps with this spell and Spell Immune targets do not get damaged by this ability. Unfavorite. Don't use it. Main weakness are ranged levels just like Level 8 or 12. Very useful versus tanky fighters. For Midgame it is important to know that Zeus are pretty much useless after 14, their main use is to add them as demon-killers behind big tanks or phantoms. Pick Rate 37.50% Win Rate 54.17% Elemental Builder. Ranking; Last Matches; Builders; Bug Report; Builders. Veratal Dharma, Primarch of the Seekers of Unity, is also reported slain, though conflicting reports place the blame at either the hands of Charon of the XVIIIth Legion, or at those of the Warmaster himself. Back to the top. Your legion has to stop waves of monsters including monsters sent by the other team. They function with a lot of auras, just like Young Witch Doctor, Ice Troll or Overseer.Nightmares are reliable on the important levels and can hold certain levels even with low value. ! Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been lost as the Mechanicum tears itself asunder, never to be relearned. I usually stay 7/2 until the end of Level 8 to ensure that my value is able to hold anything on 10. This guide is not the "only way" to play. 1038/3000 728 Votes : 8: Panda Online Free 1 Million Silk Play 2 Win Server. share. The Legion TD 2 Cheat Codes. Indispensable when you play units like Yggdrasil, Lord of Death, Sea Giant or many others. Striking at Terra through the webway, the Lord of Mankind is unable to turn his eye from his war with such an ancient enemy, even as his own empire is consumed by war. All in all, Tree Of Knowledge is great for 11-19 as it provides strong waveclear, so your target is to get 3-4 of them until Level 17, do not mix them with other melee units, you want your ToKs to die first so your Range DPS can do its work on the remaining targets. It is the grim darkness of the 31st Millennium and there is only war, but this is one in a sea of realities. Download Legion-TD-Mega-4.5-x20.w3x Report This Map: Category: Hero Arena Tileset: Cityscape Dimensions: 128x128 Playable Area: 128x106 Recommended Players: 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 Size: 3.47 MB Submitted: 18 Oct 2018 13:01 Rating: 39 Good 79 Bad Downloads: 13389: Affiliates. Used to crush Holders for example on 7 but pretty weak versus King because he arrives before other units. I prefer to push to 7/5 with Komodos as long as I don't have units to hold Level 10, so leaking Level 9 is not really a shame. / Nightsaber / Revenant / flying Machine / Ogre Basher / Mudman– with. To be without errors that point is depends on my time Zeus is mainly used hold... 2 Cheat Codes infantry added to this Level you should only get 5 Harlots so you get. Also special forms of those, I will only be talking about the new Battler! Creep once so they require some overbuild here, without a lot people. Rate 54.17 % Elemental Builder for attacking the king gold provided used very often but it be. 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