My current tenants’ lease is about to end, so the property is advertised as being available shortly. Below is an email exchange with a possible customer. I just hit “send” on my reply to him. I’ll post whatever he writes back later.
With regards to the property I am inquiring about, I will like to get some more details about it, I am currently in the Uk and I am Relocating down to the US to do a survey for my employer ( MMH Insurance Group (UK), as we are about to open an office in the state, so due to my non presence to inspect the Property, I will like you to give me the below details:# I need full details including address of the property and pictures if available for the place.
# Monthly rentals/security deposits.
# If utilities is added to monthly rent.
# When the property would be available.
# Mail me the total move in cost.
# The Picture of the apartment. I await your response soon.
I replied with the information he sought. Here is where he went Nigerian on me:
Good Day, Thanks for the details on the Property, I am satisfied and will like to go ahead with the renting process, I will like you to go ahead and reserve the property for me.So I will be needing the following informations so that the check for payment of the deposit $1375 can be processed and posted to you soon.
Phone number(cell and land):…………
I want the 12 month lease to start on the 1st June 2008, I will also want to notify you that I have in the mean time arrange with an interior decorator who will be handling the purchase of furnitures, entertainment system and other appliances that I will need in the property, theywill as well be incharge of moving down my luggages down to the states. So the check of $5,700 will be sent over to you which is a relocation grant by my employer, and all you need to do is deduct the deposit $1375 and you will forward the rest to the Decorators so I can have the place all prepared for my arrival. All applications and lease will be signed as soon as I arrive.
Also for familiarization I Am Mike Jones, I am 31 yrs of age, a British citizen, married to a lovely lady, with a daughter (Family staying over in the UK), I work with MMH Insurance Group (UK), as a loss adjuster agent, I am a Christian, reserved in Nature, Non smoker also i don’t keep pets.I look forward to meeting you and hope to have a good relationship as a tenant with you.
I await the details.
you can reach me at this number +447024045677
Below is my present landlords information for reference :
Dr.Joseph Williams.
Here is my reply email:
Dear Mike Jones-
Got your reply. You are full of shit. How is the weather in Nigeria today?
You are not from the UK. I’ve been there, and its residents are wrinkly old white men who smoke pipes and use correct grammar every day. They don’t capitalize the first letters in the words “Family” or “Nonsmoker.” Or refer to themselves as “reserved in Nature.” They don’t move down their “luggages” or buy “furnitures” either. They also don’t try to spend $4325 renovating a property in which they will be RENTING. You sound like a Saturday Night Live “Bad Idea Jeans” commercial. Or a garden variety dumbass. Neither is becoming to you.
I also don’t believe that your current landlord is a physician referred to as “mortal rain.” That doesn’t even make for a good CB radio handle or aviation call-sign. It’s retarded, just like you are.
If you want to give me $5700 so that I can give your “Decorators” $4325, go right ahead. But it better be cash money buried under a volcanic glass rock that doesn’t belong in a Maine hayfield by the tree where I proposed to Pretty Bride. Otherwise, shine my balls, buddy.

Same email, Steve Cathier
Here is another one:
Company Name has changed.
Thanks for the details on the Property, I am satisfied and will like to proceed with the renting process, I will like you to go ahead and reserve the property for me. So I will be needing the following informations so that the check for payment of the deposit of $2,200.00 can be processed and posted to you soon.
Phone number(cell and land):…………
I want the 12 month lease to start on the 1st September 2008, I will also want to notify you that I have in the mean time arrange with an interior decorator who will be handling the purchase of furnitures, entertainment system and other appliances that I will need in the property, they will as well be in charge of moving down my luggages down to the states. So the check of $7,500 will be sent over to you which is a relocation grant by my employer, and all you need to do is deduct the deposit $2,200.00 and you will forward the rest to the Decorators so I can have the place all prepared for my arrival. All applications and lease will be signed as soon as I arrive.
Also for familiarization I Am Sidney Moses, I am 33 yrs of age,a British citizen, married to a lovely lady, with a daughter (Family staying over in the UK), I work with KRS Insurance Group (UK), as a loss adjuster agent, I am a Christian, reserved in Nature, Non smoker also I don’t keep pets.
I look forward to meeting you and hope to have a good relationship as a tenant with you.
I await the details.
you can reach me at this number +447031956870
Below is my present landlords information for reference :
Dr Richard Rowe
Looking forward to meet you.
Got another one, same from Steve Cathier. How annoying! It’s hard enough to find a good tenant!
I did a google search of Carl Thomas and stumbled on your blog… and the e-mail I received is identical. Trying to rent my apartment… Thanks for the post!
Lehigh Valley
Got the same emails from a “Howard Smith” wanting to rent a home I had advertised on Craig’s List located in Raleigh, NC. When doing a Google on MMH Insurance Group, I saw your BLOG, thank goodness. I already felt that “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is”, so I really wasn’t surprised to learn it was a scam. Thank you sincerely for your information and help to all of us US citizens who just keep on working hard to support the WORLD!!!
great! Thanks for posting. My guy’s name is Mark Davies and he wanted to rent my house in Reno. Same wording.
Similar MO. Got an email exchange from Sidney Moses
The initial inquiry:
I would like to know if the property you listed is still available.
I responded, then got back the following:
With regards to the property I am inquiring about, I will like to get
some more details about it, I am currently in the UK and I am
Relocating down to the US to do a survey for my employer ( KRS
Insurance Group (UK), as we are about to open an office in the state,
so due to my non presence to inspect the Property, I will like you to
give me the below details,
# I need full details including address of the property and pictures
if available for the place.
# Monthly rentals/security deposits.
# If utilities is added to monthly rent.
# When the property would be available.
# Mail me the total move in cost.
I await your response soon.
I just received the same email from Steven Cathier from KRS Insurance Group (UK). Did my research and found this site. THANK YOU!
I also JUST had these exact same conversations VIA email about my rental I put on Craigslist. I am soooo glad I googled the company he said he worked for in the UK and all of your responses came up….THANKS!!!!!! He used the name Steven Cathier and the company he claimed to work for was KRS Insurance Group.
By the way, I reported this guy to the legal department of Craigslist.
Thought you might also like to see the lovely email I sent him back. My husband did not want me to, but I could not let it go without a little closer:)
“Actually Steven….I take that back and I am gladly going to report you for what would have been FRAUD!!! Nice try ASSHOLE!!!!!I just Googled you and your so called company and funny enough….I found this exact same email verbatim in the first link I opened up. Hmmmmm…..are you by chance from Nigeria or somewhere like that???? I should have known by the very poor English and Grammer you used in your email.
Good luck trying to sucker someone else and I pray to God….I am sure you know him since you said you were a Christian….that your sick ass gets caught!!!!!!!
Don’t ever try to email, call or write me or you will be sorry!!!!!!!!! My accounts are solid and I monitor my credit report on a daily basis so don’t try anything there either!!!!!”
Awesome. You’ve earned yourself a good, long golf clap for this. Bravo, my good man, bravo.
I got one as well. From Carl Thomas. I forwarded it to a realtor friend in the UK and he sent me a copy of your response. I am still playing along with him and the check is supposed to arrive tomorrow. We will see. I think that I will take it to the local police or the FBI.
Just found this site in time. Steven Cathier said he sent me the money, but I insisted on a credit check and he kept on ignoring it.
I am shocked that a lot of people are not aware of these scams, despite all of the press, it is just a sign of the times. The Nigerians are scamming men and women on dating sites (hasn’t anyone seen Dateline and Dr.Phil), craigslist, ebay, work for home scams. Hello, if its on the “World-Wide-Web” it will be scammed. It is not one guy folks…..hundreds or more and the FBI cannot do a thing about it…trust I am sure the Southern lady that has been sending her hadsome caucasian online lover(she knows this from the pic he has posted on eharmony) thousands of dollars was shocked and surprised to find out that the guy is a Nigerian and wants the FBI to get the same guy!! Demand an application completion, background check, and wait for a deposit check to clear prior to going froward with reserving or holding a property for a possible renter. I would rather be out of the $5-$25 dollars than thousands of dollars anytme.
Goodluck all and to the guy who posted this site, thank you for doing something about it….you are helping more people than the legal system will.
Please excuse all of my typos….I got excited:)
Same thing…now the name is Sammuel Emmanuel. Gotta love that rhyming. Of course, all of these comments are enough to reach anyone who googles mmh insurance, but I thought if anyone was searching by name, I’d throw that out there too. I emailed him back the picture above…love it!!
Same here guys. Got a lease offer from Steve for my Condo in Novi, MI
Now his name is Steven Cathier.
The email I received for the 1-bedroom apartment I have available:
With regards to the property I am inquiring about, I will like to get some more details about it, I am currently in the Uk and I am Relocating down to the US to do a survey for my employer ( KRS Insurance Group (UK), as we are about to open an office in the state, so due to my non presence to inspect the Property, I will like you to give me the below details,
# I need full details including address of the property and pictures if available for the place.
# Monthly rentals/security deposits.
# If utilities is added to monthly rent.
# When the property would be available.
# Mail me the total move in cost.
# Picture of the apartment.
I await your response soon.
I gave him some details. The second email:
Thanks for the details on the Property, I am satisfied and will like to proceed with the renting process, I will like you to go ahead and reserve the property for me. So I will be needing the following informations so that the check for payment of the deposit of $900 can be processed and posted to you soon.
Phone number(cell and land):…………
I want the 12 month lease to start on the 5th August 2008, I will also want to notify you that I have in the mean time arrange with an interior decorator who will be handling the purchase of furnitures, entertainment system and other appliances that I will need in the property, they will as well be in charge of moving down my luggages down to the states. So the check of $5,500 will be sent over to you which is a relocation grant by my employer, and all you need to do is deduct the deposit $900 and you will forward the rest to the Decorators so I can have the place all prepared for my arrival. All applications and lease will be signed as soon as I arrive.
Also for familiarization I am Steven Cathier, I am 32 yrs of age,a British citizen, married to a lovely lady, with a daughter (Family staying over in the UK), I work with KRS Insurance Group (UK), as a loss adjuster agent, I am a Christian, reserved in Nature, Non smoker also I don’t keep pets.
I look forward to meeting you and hope to have a good relationship as a tenant with you.
I await the details.
you can reach me at this number +44702 404 5677
Below is my present landlords information for reference :
Dr Richard Rowe
Looking forward to meet you.
Now his name is Steven Cathier.
He sent me the same emails, same wording.
I got the same email from a Carl Thomas… I was suspicious as I always am of renters that seem perfect, but when he told me I was going to forward the balance of a check to his interior decorator I knew something was up.
The name on mine was Carl Thomas also. The first one just asked me if the house was still available and I replied that it was.
Then I got the one telling me he was relocating “down to the US” — wouldn’t that be more OVER than DOWN??? — for KRS Insurance . . . . .
This house is in a little town in Middle-of-No-Effingwhere, Ohio. The town is currently imboiled in a bitter debate on where the put the 3rd stoplight. No international insurance company is going to put an office anywhere near there.
So after finding this site, I replied to him with the next email that “…I am satisfied and will like to go ahead with the renting process …”
Looks like they are changing their format now – they claim to work for a real company in the UK. This one is from Abby Harding, who works for Costa Coffee Inc. She wants a 3-6 lease, all expenses paid by the company (naturally). It seemed very odd.
Hello There,
I saw your ad on craigslist and i will like to let you know am interested in renting the spot from you for 3-6 months depends on how long you will have the spot available.Below are just some few things you might want to know about me:
am straight,easy going and pretty laid back 29yrs old female….i do not smoke nor drink,am a christian but am not fanatical about my religion as i have always learnt to respect others religion/belief. Sometimes i love going to the beach at my leisure time to observe the wonders of nature,I work for Costa Coffee Inc.I live in Sheffield,UK meanwhile,am UK citizen. I just need the apartment because of special assignment I have to do for my company there and also a privilege for me to visit the States for the first time, am presently in Africa now for a crucial assignment for my company. and i do really hope to find a good place like yours to live in, pls i will like you to get back to me with the full details (AMOUNT OF RENT/MONTH,POSSIBLE MONTHLY UTILITTIES,EXACT MOVE IN DATE,LIVING CONDITIONS OF THE APT,FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED…i really dont mind if it is furnished or not, i could take care of that when i arrived US) for the apt And just for you to know that this trip will be sponsored by my boss and every expenses as regards the rent and utilities will be paid in full so you have nothing to worry about as to whether i will be able to pay rent or not, pls be aware that my trip to US is fast approaching and i will appreciate if you get back to me asap to know how we can work things out.
Thanks and God bless.
This is the name and email used for my rental here in the north wood of Wisconsin. I’d like to get my hands on some of them guys. Would not be pretty.
this is the email I received from
I’ m mr mornslate from UK’ Searching through the apt rent page,
i saw your apt posted for rent on with thelittle
description you gave in there, i was impressed and it reduces any
stress of searching around for an apt. I have an interest and i would
liketo make an inquiry if it still available for rent duration in
which you wantto lease the unit. Preferably 6months/12months If you
require any specific information, pls let me know or you can call me on my cell phone,pleasedial as presented for international calls .{+447045718223 } Am a familyorientated man, no pets, no smoke and n odrugs Give me the detail of the fees.
1- Security deposit fee ? 2- Monthly rent fees ?
3- Utilities if applicable ?
4- Dimension/measurement of the unit {s} ?
5- Crime rate of the area where the apt is located ?
6- Park lots if any ?
7- If the unit is Furnished or Unfurnished ?
8- Total Move in fees ?
Thank you, God Bless and Your Family mr mornslate
Middlesex. London
United Kingdom.
and here’s the other one:
i got your reply and am ok with that, i would tell my trustee in the state about this apartment
so that he can send you a certified American check for this as soon
as you give me the go ahead to make payment to you. Due to the
limited time that we have before our arrival, Am willing to offer you
12month rent + the security deposit and utilities if any to secure this
unit prior to my arrival to state, and on my arrival, i’ll pay for
the11months fees in Cash, so give me your full Name and Address
for payment for the first month. I would like to effect payment
in advance,.Please let me know if this will be okay with you so that i
can instruct our Trustee to go ahead with the payment.after the rent
and security deposit has been fully paid I will like to sign the
Lease/application form in Person on and i promise thats when i arrive
to state on my arrival day i will fill out the necessary
forms needed ……..
I need a 2bedroom flat, any area, my arrival will be soon, just let me know how you 12months rent can be.
The infos to send the payment to you via certified American check is also needed from you.
– Name to be written on the certified American check;
– Mailing address , No;
– Phone Number;
– City;
– Zip Code;
– State;
Let us know how to move ahead as we intend to complete this deal
before we move in by arriving until the second third of next
month.You can prepare the lease in my name Mr Mornslate
I believe we can work together and ensure every arrangements that we
shall both execute in line with my taking up the tenancy should be
done accordingly to ensure we have a proper understanding.
we will let you know the exact date as soon as we get a booking on a
flight to the country.
If you require any specific information, pls let me know or you can
call me on my cell phone Tel:+447045718223 ,please dial as presented
for international calls .
PS:I Will fill out the necessary forms when i get their on my
arrival day 2weeks from now ….hope u are alright with that Thanks
and God bless you
My due regards
Mr Mornslate
I also received this email over the weekend from:
from Frank Edward
I saw your advert posted on am willing to offer you Two months rent in order to secure this rent prior to my arrival.
Could you be kind enough to let me know what the electricity/utility cost would be? as i will really need to have this rent. You can send me the lease application if there is Any,to enable be review it ahead of time. I would eventually have it signed physically when i arrive. In my opinion, appending signatories should be done properly and at best physically. Please send me a picture view of the rent if there is Any Pictures Available.
I am from London. With this arrangement, My financier in the states,will be effecting your payment deposit to you. I believe we can work together and ensure every arrangements that we shall both execute in line with my taking up the tenancy should be done accordingly to ensure we have a proper understanding.
If you require any specific information, please let me know.
I will really appreciate a quick response from you.
Does anyone ever fall for this? There must be someone who does or “they” wouldn’t keep sending these, eh? But who? We never hear about the poor schmuck who gets suckered into these deals. Pity. I can use a good laugh, at someone else’s expense (no pun intended) every now and then.
Got the same thing yesterday, his name was James M Cannon. I admit, I fell for the 1st one; but the second sounded pretty weird. Especially when he offered to give more than twice the security deposit that we asked for. Thank you so much for the blog; this is the only place that actually makes people aware of this scam.
thanks for this site!
i got the same email on 7/31/2008, he contacted me through Craigslist listing. he want to rent my 2 bedroom unit…almost same information in the email, he said he works for KRS insurance group, …….want to move in on the 20th of august….his name is Steven Cathier.
thanks again for those information here,…
can people tell me why this guy is doing this?
my email is, if you can give me some information on this type of thing, i will be very thankful and appreciated.
Verbatim email from Alexander Johnson for an apartment in Minneapolis listed on Craigslist, and a Marissa Blunt for the same ad on her reply is below:
Thanks so much for responding to my introductory mail. I guess the property will be a nice one, and i will love to consider it as mine. I can’t wait to read your approval.
I like the breakdown details, the total move in cost of room the deposit. .One more thing is that i will like to know more about you .Are you a good and a cheerful person? Honest and trustworthy? Cause this are the things that I cherish most in people. I will try to attach a pics to my next mail for you to know how i look like. I am humble, honest and generous, and people usually say i got a golden heart, am a Christian with some catholic background. I hope you’ll like that My family lives in England and am currently in Philipines for a fashion programme. I will not be able to check out the place until my arrival. pls if there is any question you wanted to ask me, don’t hesitate to do so. I must confess that I can’t wait to read from you as soon a possible. Have a wonderful day.
I got the same email from “James M Cannon” from the UK. I looked up the insurance company and came across your blog. Thanks for posting everyone! I hope nobody has fallen for this. I advertised my condo for rent on, not craigslist. That means that they are looking on local websites as well to try and con people.
Here’s mine………LOL
I hope everyone google’s this kind of thing.
Thanks for the details on the Property, I am satisfied and will like to proceed with the renting process, I will like you to go ahead and reserve the property for me. So I will be needing the following informations so that the check for payment of the deposit of $1700 can be processed and posted to you soon.
Phone number(cell and land):…………
I want the 12 month lease to start on the 15th August 2008, I will also want to notify you that I have in the mean time arrange with an interior decorator who will be handling the purchase of furnitures, entertainment system and other appliances that I will need in the property, they will as well be in charge of moving down my luggages down to the states. So the check of $6,500 will be sent over to you which is a relocation grant by my employer, and all you need to do is deduct the deposit $1700 and you will forward the rest to the Decorators so I can have the place all prepared for my arrival. All applications and lease will be signed as soon as I arrive.
Also for familiarization I Am Carl Thomas,I am 33 yrs of age,a British citizen, married to a lovely lady, with a daughter (Family staying over in the UK), I work with KRS Insurance Group (UK), as a loss adjuster agent, I am a Christian, reserved in Nature, Non smoker also I don’t keep pets.
I look forward to meeting you and hope to have a good relationship as a tenant with you.
I await the details.
you can reach me at this number +447024045677
Below is my present landlords information for reference :
Dr Richard Rowe
Looking forward to meet you.
And another – today (8/4) from a Steven cathier in response to a CL rental posting in Redmond, WA – across the street from Microsoft. What a putz.
How do these people live with themselves?
Thanks for posting this Mac.
This happened to me as well. I turned several people away on this property as I was holding it for this joker. He told me his name was Carl Thomas of KRS Insurance. Same BS story he gave everyone else.
What a lowlife scum-sucker! I am so glad I hit on this sight within hours of receiving the request to hold my rental home for this jerk!!! Of course I thought it all sounded too good to be true and we live in a VERY small town in Indiana! I also couldn’t resist…I had to reply to him calling him a worthless piece of shit and told him I hope he rots in hell! I felt much better after hitting SEND!
Just got a hit on my rental (craigslist) from tom.tailor@gmail. Same letter but improved grammer and spelling. Checked out the insurance company right away and found this site. Thank you!
Same email – used Steven cathier asked for details that were already on the ad – e.g. move-in date, no picture available, etc.
Glad I googled the name because he did not sound very British. Thanks for the postings everyone.
I also just received the inquiry from tom tailor @ as a result of a rental I had listed on Craigslist. I was very suspicious and googled KRS Insurance Group and came up with this blog. My rental is in a very rural community in California and I knew an insurance firm from the UK would not open an office in this area. Let alone send an employee here to do a survey. Thanks so much for everyone’s time publishing the information about these scumbags. They need to get a job and work for a living like we have.
steve nandos at krs insurance wants to rent my house in Kansas City. thanks for the post.
Got one today in response to a Craigs List post – from Tom Tailor.
Dickhead also tried it out on me. What a service you did here in posting this scam. I am desperate to rent, and have a sick child and almost fell for it.
Ken Tailor was the one sending me the same crap. Must be boring looking for people to scam. Why don’t they just become legal oil futures traders and accomplish the same thing!
Tom Philips was the name of my scammer. First, it was a very simple basic 2 liner, but my ad had already generated great interest so I told him it was already taken. Then he responded with the long email that is delineated above, asking all this crazy info about the place (most of it which was already in the ad, which was my first hint that it was a scam)….I then responded that I doubt he was interested in my place since it was advertised in Winnipeg, Canada, not the US.
I received this email a few hours ago regarding an ad I put on, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
His e-amil address is:
His name:
Frank Edward
This is the what the e-mail said:
I saw your advert posted on am willing to offer you Two months rent in order to secure this rent prior to my arrival.
Could you be kind enough to let me know what the electricity/utility cost would be? as i will really need to have this rent. You can send me the lease application if there is Any,to enable be review it ahead of time. I would eventually have it signed physically when i arrive. In my opinion, appending signatories should be done properly and at best physically. Please send me a picture view of the rent if there is Any Pictures Available.
I am from Scotland. With this arrangement, My financier in the states,will be effecting your payment deposit to you. I believe we can work together and ensure every arrangements that we shall both execute in line with my taking up the tenancy should be done accordingly to ensure we have a proper understanding.
If you require any specific information, please let me know.
I will really appreciate a quick response from you.
Sara Edgar, ( also is coming to the U.S. to do a survey for MMH Insurance Group (UK).
Younce Kes, (note the address) is an Estate consultant for Pypun Engineering Consultants LTD.
The poor command of English sent up a red flag. Receiving two emails from the “UK” in two days helped, too.
I to have recieved e-mails for my townhouse in Virginia. One from a Jerry Crawford with the same exact message from KRS Ins. Co., and he actually sent a check, in which I had repeatedly told him not to, because we didn’t have a lease agreement. He told me it would come from his employer, and when I received the check, it came from a Honsu, Inc. based in Ontario, CA. I didn’t do anything with the check. When I questioned it, he told me his employer had a favor in for this other company. When I refused to do anything with the check and send it to his Interior Decorator, he then informed me he had kidney cancer and was dying (but still wanted to rent my townhouse), and could I send a part of the money to his Dr. for treatment or he would die.
Then I received another e-mail from a James Pipper with almost the identical information, but he is with De’Pipper Construction in the UK. There are may blogs about this scam as well.
Everyone be ware when you are posting on craigslist! Good luck to all trying to rent their homes!
here his scam on oct. 4 2008
mike jones
to me
show details 2:55 AM (4 hours ago)
With regards to the property I am inquiring about, I will like to get
some more details about it, I am currently in the UK and I am
Relocating down to the US to do a survey for my employer ( KRS
Insurance Group (UK), as we are about to open an office in the state,
so due to my non presence to inspect the Property, I will like you to
give me the below details,
# I need full details including address of the property and pictures
if available for the place.
# Monthly rentals/security deposits.
# If utilities is added to monthly rent.
# When the property would be available.
# Mail me the total move in cost.
I await your response soon.
thanks for posting this, Steven Cathier wants to rent from us too, now he’s shortened his appeal a lot, I’m glad I googled him before even responding once.
WOW! I am so glad i googled this guys name before I got excited about finding a renter! I got a message from Steve Cathier re: my house on craigslist saying ” Hello- just wondering if this property is still available? Regards”
Thanks so much for the warning!!! Is there anything I should do other than ignore?