My current tenants’ lease is about to end, so the property is advertised as being available shortly. Below is an email exchange with a possible customer. I just hit “send” on my reply to him. I’ll post whatever he writes back later.
With regards to the property I am inquiring about, I will like to get some more details about it, I am currently in the Uk and I am Relocating down to the US to do a survey for my employer ( MMH Insurance Group (UK), as we are about to open an office in the state, so due to my non presence to inspect the Property, I will like you to give me the below details:# I need full details including address of the property and pictures if available for the place.
# Monthly rentals/security deposits.
# If utilities is added to monthly rent.
# When the property would be available.
# Mail me the total move in cost.
# The Picture of the apartment. I await your response soon.
I replied with the information he sought. Here is where he went Nigerian on me:
Good Day, Thanks for the details on the Property, I am satisfied and will like to go ahead with the renting process, I will like you to go ahead and reserve the property for me.So I will be needing the following informations so that the check for payment of the deposit $1375 can be processed and posted to you soon.
Phone number(cell and land):…………
I want the 12 month lease to start on the 1st June 2008, I will also want to notify you that I have in the mean time arrange with an interior decorator who will be handling the purchase of furnitures, entertainment system and other appliances that I will need in the property, theywill as well be incharge of moving down my luggages down to the states. So the check of $5,700 will be sent over to you which is a relocation grant by my employer, and all you need to do is deduct the deposit $1375 and you will forward the rest to the Decorators so I can have the place all prepared for my arrival. All applications and lease will be signed as soon as I arrive.
Also for familiarization I Am Mike Jones, I am 31 yrs of age, a British citizen, married to a lovely lady, with a daughter (Family staying over in the UK), I work with MMH Insurance Group (UK), as a loss adjuster agent, I am a Christian, reserved in Nature, Non smoker also i don’t keep pets.I look forward to meeting you and hope to have a good relationship as a tenant with you.
I await the details.
you can reach me at this number +447024045677
Below is my present landlords information for reference :
Dr.Joseph Williams.
Here is my reply email:
Dear Mike Jones-
Got your reply. You are full of shit. How is the weather in Nigeria today?
You are not from the UK. I’ve been there, and its residents are wrinkly old white men who smoke pipes and use correct grammar every day. They don’t capitalize the first letters in the words “Family” or “Nonsmoker.” Or refer to themselves as “reserved in Nature.” They don’t move down their “luggages” or buy “furnitures” either. They also don’t try to spend $4325 renovating a property in which they will be RENTING. You sound like a Saturday Night Live “Bad Idea Jeans” commercial. Or a garden variety dumbass. Neither is becoming to you.
I also don’t believe that your current landlord is a physician referred to as “mortal rain.” That doesn’t even make for a good CB radio handle or aviation call-sign. It’s retarded, just like you are.
If you want to give me $5700 so that I can give your “Decorators” $4325, go right ahead. But it better be cash money buried under a volcanic glass rock that doesn’t belong in a Maine hayfield by the tree where I proposed to Pretty Bride. Otherwise, shine my balls, buddy.

I can’t believe it… did a search of MMH Insurance and stumbled on your blog… and the e-mail I received is identical. Trying to rent my house..and is initial response already had me suspicious!
Thanks for the post!
you’re welcome…i’m all about public service!
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Same here, received the exact same letter and Its sorta funny.
I just hope others can be smarter than him like we have. Good luck everyone!
Got a hit this morning on my rental. I request the funds in cash as well.! What a dork! to say the least…LOL
Steve Nandos also sent me the same email asking to rent my apartment. The first two emails were identical to yours. My ad specifically says all applications must be made in person. I too googled MMH Insurance, UK and found this blog after he said he could not come to inspect the apartment but was so interested in it anyway. I knew what was coming and after the second email, I reported him to AOL. They’re out there. Be careful everyone. Don’t fall for this scam. No one who is legitimate is going to rent an apartment sight unseen from another continent.
Just got the exact same email from Lorna – why are they doing this? Doesn’t make any sense.
They are active. Thanks so much for this site. Reading the hallmark Nigerian “I’ll send you more $ & you send it on, I googled and found it all laid out word for word, another hallmark of the busy Nigerians.
Now if I get bored I have someone to play with. Thanks.
Andrew Miller sent the same e-mail to me. They wanted to move in my house in Oklahoma city.
Jeffray Lawson send the same to me. He wants to rent my Condo in New York.
i also received a few emails from ‘mike jones’ pretty much word for word with the above text…with different dollar amounts, of course. the kicker is that he’s confused as to whether he works for mmh insurance or krs insurance. haha. i just asked him which company it is that he works for – krs or mmh. i eagerly ‘await his response soon.’
Great that you have this out there. Got the identical email from David Ying. I knew it sounded like a nigerian scam.
He’s still at it, I just got his e-mail. He responded to my add on Craigs List !!!
I have the same but Ray Smith. and (KRS Insurance Group (UK). my response to him was more or less the same as in these emails here
This time he responded to my Craigs List ad for an apartment in Washington, DC. Just knew something wasn’t right, so thanks for explaining.
He just tried me, too, off of Craig’s list. Felt all wrong, so I looked into it on the internet and found your posting. Thanks for confirming this for me before I even bothered to get back to him!
I also received the same email, but with a different insurance company. I became suspicious and decided to research this so called KRS Insurance group. I came across several websites similar to this one, and I am so glad. I posted the home for rent on Craigs list Here is the email he sent me word for word!!
On Mon, 6/23/08, mike jones wrote:
From: mike jones
With regards to the property I am inquiring about, I will like to get some more details about it, I am currently in the Uk and I am Relocating down to the US to do a survey for my employer (KRS Insurance Group (UK), as we are about to open an office in the state, so due to my non presence to inspect the Property, I will like you to give me the below details:
# I need full details including address of the property and pictures if available for the place.
# Monthly rentals/security deposits.
# If utilities is added to monthly rent.
# When the property would be available.
# Mail me the total move in cost.
# The Picture of the apartment.
I await your response
just recieved same response for graigslist listing with different name
“william george”
I got the same email with the “KRS Insurance”! What’s with this dude?!? He asked to move in July 10th, even though my ad says August 1. When I told him that, he said he said he wanted my unit because it “suit” his lifestyle. That’s when I got really creeped out. So I googled KRS Insurance (UK) and found your page. Thank you for saving me a giant headache! I knew this one was suspicious from the start. I never should’ve responded!
If you go to the “next step” – they will send what appears to be a business check, but drawn on a personal account from overseas. They will ignore requests to use FEDEX. They are hoping you will forward the money to their “decorator” via Western Union before the check bounces. BTW, it took 5 full business days for the check to bounce. It cost us $5.00.
I just got the same email but from Carlos Freeman replying to my Craigslist ad. I thought it sounded funny too so I googled KRS Insurance UK and found this. Thanks for the heads up!
I got the same exact e-mail on June 24th! Apparently, he didn’t even bother to use your feedback to improve his come-on!
Hey – on June 26, 2008 – they are changing their approach. He is now “Smith Moyes” and he is with KRS Insurance Group.
I replied to him that I forwarded his e-mail to the FBI and that they would be contacting him.
Here is his original e-mail.
Thanks for the details on the Property, I am satisfied and will like to go ahead with the renting process, I will like you to go ahead and reserve the property for me.So I will be needing the following informations so that the check for payment of the deposit $2990 can be processed and posted to you soon.
Phone number(cell and land):…………
I want the 12 month lease to start on the 10th July 2008, I will also want to notify you that I have in the mean time arrange with an interior decorator who will be handling the purchase of furnitures, entertainment system and other appliances that I will need in the property, they will as well be incharge of moving down my luggages down to the states. So the check of $7,500 will be sent over to you which is a relocation grant by my employer, and all you need to do is deduct the deposit $2990 and you will forward the rest to the Decorators so I can have the place all prepared for my arrival. All applications and lease will be signed as soon as I arrive.
Also for familiarization I am Smith Moyes,I am 31 yrs of age, a British citizen, married to a lovely lady, with a daughter (Family staying over in the UK), I work with KRS Insurance Group (UK), as a loss adjuster agent, I am a Christian, reserved in Nature, Non smoker also i don’t keep pets.I look forward to meeting you and hope to have a good relationship as a tenant with you.
I await the details.
You can reach me at this number +447024012101
Below is my present landlords information for reference :
Dr.Joseph Williams.
Does anyone know how to report this guy to google? I looked on their web site and even tried to call them and there is no way (that I can find) to report someone to google that the scammers are using their gmail accounts. To me -… if any of you got scammed… this is a perfect law suit against google for supporting the scammers. just a thought.
I got the same e-mail but the guys name was Craig Barnes and worked for MMH Insurance UK.
We got the exact email from Mike Jones and thanks to this website and google, we didn’t fall for it. Sounded strange and way too good to be true. Someone should turn him into craigslist, google, and the FBI! What an ass!
We got the same letter for our house advertised on craigslist. “Got your reply. You are full of shit.” I about fell out of my chair laughing. Thanks for your sense of humor. I just ignored him.
I just received the exact same email just this morning from Thomas Henry, KRS Insurance Group UK.
My AZ townhouse for rent was posted on Craigslist too. I was suspicious from the start because it was so similar to replies I received when I was trying to rent a place myself in San Diego. You can tell by the language that somethings not right.
I’m glad I looked up his ‘company’ KRS Insurance Group UK on the web and came across your billboard. Thanks so much for posting it.
I will reply to ‘Thomas Henry’ in a similar way.
Susan in San Diego
Ditto for our apartment on Craigslist Boston.
I got it too, and believed it until I stumbled on this site. Thanks for the heads up!
Thanks for posting this. My mom advertised her house on CL and forwarded me almost the exact same email – this time he works for KRS Insurance.
I’m amazed at how widespread this bullshit email is. I’ve noticed a few hits from Nigeria on this blog, however, so I anticipate that the language will change in future scam emails.
I got a request from smith moyes for a Craigslist condo in San Diego. Thanks for the warning post.
Thanks so much for the warning. We received a check from him to send to his decorator and it looked sketchy. After searching for the companies and names, I stumbled upon your site. I ripped up the check and replied to his email. Thanks so much for the heads-up!
Craig Barnes is the culprit who wrote me here in Metro Detroit just this week. I am glad I had sense enough to google the MMH Insurance name. What a world we live in where there are so many criminals everywhere.
And I, today received an email from a Mr. James M. Cannon claiming to work for MMH Insurance Group in regards to an apartment in Cincinnati – Thanks for the head’s up !!
God, thanks for this forum, you just saved me of making one of the biggest mistakes of my life! There is no way I could handle having to explain to a judge how it wasn’t my “fake” check I was trying to cash.!!!
Paul: I don’t know why Craig Barnes wants to rent your house in Detroit when he wants to rent mine in Baltimore!
I cannot believe this!! I got the same letter, word for word from a Carl Thomas. He too is confused with who he works for. I also advertised on Craigslist and he wants to move to Alabama from the UK- Yea right!! I just had a weird feeling about the email I just got from him and I googled the company and got this web-site. Thanks so much for this blog- thank you, thank you, thank you
I just received the same email for a craigslist listing for my house for rent. Thank you so much. Here I was thinking how great, someone w/ all the money needed and he’s single. I was ready to think about not signing an agreement w/ my realtor to manage. I am so glad I searched for the ins co. Thank you for having this website. M
Also I copied and pasted your reply and sent it back to them! I thought I was smart!
carl thomas was the alias used in response to our Craiglist’s ad. KRS Insurance Group (UK)
Unfortunately, I last about two weeks that I could have shown the place. Dam Scammers!
Am with a property management company in Memphis, TN and got the same email as well. Just felt it was fishy so replied but then researched on web – sure enough this guy gets around. How many homes does he want to rent??? I had gotten one of these a year ago saying I will send you more money than you need and then refund to me. Always beware of these Nigerian gimicks!!
Me Too!
Ray Paul from MMH Insurance
On Craig’s List
Thanks for the site!
I chose to reply with expletives.
I guess I am the most recent. Started an exchange with this guy from a posting for my house on Craig’s List on 7-13-08 and just today received the exact same worded message from Andrew Miller with KRS Insurance about hiring a decorator and sending me $7500. Thanks for exposing this pile of shit Nigerian scam. I am just wondering how this scam was to play out. Imagine he would have asked that I send the remainder of the $7500 on to someone else prior to receiving the rent check.
Thanks for the post U helped us!
This helped. I got the same hit on my craigslist ad and when I googled this it was all to clear.
Thanks for the info.
I was HIT TOO! JERK! This is his FIRST email to me about my rental HOME on Craigslist!
Good Day
With regards to the property I am inquiring about, I will like to get some more details about it, I am currently in the Uk and I am Relocating down to the US to do a survey for my employer ( MMH Insurance Group (UK), as we are about to open an office in the state, so due to my non presence to inspect the Property, I will like you to give me the below details, # I need full details including address of the property and pictures if available for the place.
# Monthly rentals/security deposits.
# If utilities is added to monthly rent.
# When the property would be available.
# Mail me the total move in cost.
Here is all I can say about my self for now. I am 30 years old and I work full time, Monday through Friday and have weekends off except for once a month. I was born and raised in England, but present in France on a business trip for more than 5 years.. I am a professional, A Computer Consultant and I deal in various kind of computer applications and softwares.
I graduated in Argosy University in Costa Rica 8 years ag0 and I have my in Computer Science…
I am not really a sports person,, BUT I do love Hockey Games,I am a very out going person and fun to be with. I do play the organ and piano,, and I do have BOTH piano and organ here at my house.I am not a drinker and I don’t smoke and I don’t do drugs. YES I would like to go out with you on weekends and weeknights when I am free. I like going to movies,, concerts ,, plays,,I like camping, hiking, bike ridding, swimming, and I love to travel. I am a very dedicated individual who is totally committed to human development, friendly, very trustworthy and value relationship above anything.I am a laid back person,I love travelling,sporting and enjoy meeting people around the world. So I am not much at a spot due to my work.
I await your response soon.
Best Regards
Howard Smith
191 swan lane
cv2 4ge Coventry
SECOND email from this JERK!
I’ m mr mornslate in from UK’ Searching thru the apt rent page,
i saw your apt posted for rent on with thelittle
description you gave in there, i was impressed and it reduces any
stress of searching around for an apt. I have an interest and i would
liketo make an inquiry if it still available for rent duration in
which you wantto lease the unit. Preferably 6months/12months If you
require any specific
information, pls let me know or you can call me on my cell phone,
pleasedial as presented for international calls . {+447045718223 } Am
a familyorientated man, no pets, no smoke and no drugs Give me the
detail of the fees.
1- Security deposit fee ? 2- Monthly rent fees ?
3- Utilities if applicable ?
4- Dimension/measurement of the unit {s} ?
5- Crime rate of the area where the apt is located ?
6- Park lots if any ?
7- If the unit is Furnished or Unfurnished ?
8- Total Move in fees ?
Thank you, God Bless and Your Family
mr mornslate
Middlesex. London
United Kingdom
Third email…
Thank you for your response to my request I see the detail of your
rent apartment i mean fees of the apartment, am ok with it now is that
i would tell my trustee that in the state about this apartment
so that he can send you a certified American check for this as soon
as you give me the go ahead to make payment to you. Due to the
limited time that we have before our arrival, Am willing to offer you
rent + the security deposit and utilities if any to secure this
unit prior to my arrival to state, and on my arrival, i’ll pay for
the11months fees in Cash, so give me your full Name and Address
for payment for the first month. I would like to effect payment
in advance, because i bought some furniture in the state from
company for the home i want to rent, because you can understand
that transporting furnitures across Atlantic is not easy that is why,
So regards my furniture, am planning on having them delivered to
the house before our arrival to the state, i mean, me, my wife and
my daughter, so that we can settle in comfortably, and also i have
already make the arrangement with the furniture company that as soon as
i get the house they will send money to them for the transporting the
furniture to the apartment,because i want it delivered before my
arrival.I want to seek your indulgence and favor. Can we rely on you to
take delivery of those furnitures for us when they are delivered?We
will instruct the furniture company to contact you to schedule a
delivery date and time that will be convenient for you to receive those
furnitures for us. As you will be handling the delivery of
those furnitures for us,we may ask our Trustee to include the costs
of our furnitures with the rent and deposit to be sent to you so
that you can help us to make the payment when it is delivered. We will
really appreciate if you can do this for us and promise to
compensate you adequately for your time and efforts on our arrival in
place.Please let me know if this will be okay with you so that i
can instruct our Trustee to go ahead with the payment.after the rent
and security deposit has been fully paid I will like to sign the
Lease/application form in Person on and i promise thats when i arrive
to state on my arrival day i will fill out the necessary
forms needed ……..
my arrival to state.
– Name to be written on the certified American check;
– Mailing address , No;
– Phone Number;
– City;
– Zip Code;
– State;
Let us know how to move ahead as we intend to complete this deal
before we move in by arriving until the second third of next
month.You can prepare the lease in my name Mr Mornslate
I believe we can work together and ensure every arrangements that we
shall both execute in line with my taking up the tenancy should be
done accordingly to ensure we have a proper understanding.
we will let you know the exact date as soon as we get a booking on a
flight to the states.
If you require any specific information, pls let me know or you can
call me on my cell phone Tel:+447045718223 ,please dial as presented
for international calls .
PS:I Will fill out the necessary forms when i get back to state on my
arrival day 2weeks from now ….hope u are alright with that Thanks
and God bless you
My due regards
Mr Mornslate
My due regards
Thanks for wanting to help regards from me and my family.
This guy has GOT to be stopped… Thanks for posting this site.